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Thursday, March 5, 2015

How to consume ABN (Australian Business Number) or ACN web services from AX 2012 R3

Dear Friends,


Have been super busy with so much to do in so less time!

However, I wanted to take some time and post about my recent experience on how I went integrating ABN Web Service with AX 2012 R3 CU8.

In Australia, we have a concept of ABN and ACN numbers for business registration. ABN is for Australian Business Number and ACN is for Australian Company Number. These registrations are governed by ABR as they are the authority to issue the registration numbers and they maintain this database.

Now, let's get started.

First thing, you would need to go to the ABR site and register to use their webservices.

Once the application is processed which happens within an hour they will e-mail you an authentication GUID (Globally Unique Identifier) which is required to access the ABN Lookup web services. Also with the email, they will send you a pdf which shows you how to access the webservice through various clients like C#, Java, VB6, MS Access etc

Next step, is to open Visual Studio, create a Windows Class Library project and reference the web service. Note, since this is classic web service (.asmx based), so just consume it via the web references node as shown

Web Reference -

Once this is done, next step is to deploy the Project to AOT (as shown below).

Now, back in AX you should be able to see your deployed project

Now, let's write some code.. Here is a simple job which I have used to pass a valid ACN number and it returns me the organisation name.


static void AHWConsumeABNService(Args _args)
str abn = "12165366638";
str hist = "Y";
str abrguid = "1ff91b03-3365-4fc5-9202-a1c77714e69b";
str abntype;
//System.String abntype = "IND";
ABNService.ABNWebService.ABRXMLSearch search;
ABNService.ABNWebService.Payload payload;
ABNService.ABNWebService.Response resp;
ABNService.ABNWebService.ResponseBusinessEntity201408 detail;
ABNService.ABNWebService.EntityStatus[] entitystatusarray;
ABNService.ABNWebService.EntityStatus entitystatus;
ABNService.ABNWebService.OrganisationName[] orgnamearray;
ABNService.ABNWebService.OrganisationName orgname;
ABNService.ABNWebService.IndividualName[] indvarray;
ABNService.ABNWebService.IndividualName indvname;
ABNService.ABNWebService.ResponseException respexcep;
ABNService.ABNWebService.EntityType entType;
System.Exception ex;
//str payload;
search = new ABNService.ABNWebService.ABRXMLSearch();
payload = search.ABRSearchByABN(abn,hist,abrguid);
resp = payload.get_response();
respexcep = resp.get_Item();
if(respexcep is ABNService.ABNWebService.ResponseException)
detail = resp.get_Item();
entType = detail.get_entityType();
abntype = entType.get_entityTypeCode();
if(abntype == "IND") //Check if is soletrader
indvarray = detail.get_Items();
indvname = indvarray.get_Item(0);
info(indvname.get_givenName()); //Sole trader Name
orgnamearray = detail.get_Items();
orgname = orgnamearray.get_Item(0);
info(orgname.get_organisationName()); //Organisation Name
entitystatusarray = detail.get_entityStatus();
entitystatus = entitystatusarray.get_Item(0);
ex = CLRInterop::getLastException();
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Sunday, March 1, 2015

Download Free Ebook Microsoft Azure Fundamentals

Dear All,

Microsoft Press has published a free Ebook on Microsoft Azure Fundamentals and it's worth reading to get a grasp on basics of Azure as we all know how important Azure is going to be especially in  line with Dynamics AX Ecosystem.

Link to Download the ebook below -

Enjoy Azuring ! :)