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Sunday, November 2, 2014

Dynamics AX 2012 How to install/setup Multiple instances of AX 2012 R3 SSRS Reporting instances running SQL 2014

Dear All,


Recently, for one of my client, I had to setup multiple SSRS 2014 reporting instances 

To start with, I would suggest you to refer this document from Microsoft

To summarize, the steps I followed

1.     Install New SSRS Instance (We would need to do this setup by running the SQL installer)

2.     Configure New Reporting Service instance ( Use SSRS Config Manager Tool)

3.     This is the key piece where I struggled a bit i.e. to install a 2nd SSRS Reporting Extension on the SSRS box


Install-AXReportInstanceExtensions –ReportServerInstanceName [SSRSInstanceName] -Credential [DomainName\UserName]

4.     Replace [SSRSInstanceName] with your SSRS instance and use the same credentials which is used by your SSRS Reporting Service

5.     Restart the new SSRS Service

7.     Connect AX to new Reporting Instance

8.     Deploy Reports for the new Reporting Service Instance [AX 2012]

9.     Inorder to deploy the reports to a specific AOS instance, please refer this blog

10.  Publish-AXReport –ReportName * -id AXSSRS –servicesAOSname AXServer –servicesAOSWSDLPort 8102

11.  Replace AXServer and the port number with your existing AOS Instance

12.  Revert to the original config

13.  Finally, couple more steps from my end I had to do is Refresh the config i.e. Go to Dynamics AX Config Utility > Refresh WCF > Configure Services. (Repeat the steps both for Local and Business connector config) Once this is done, Export the updated config and use it for your client connection