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Thursday, September 19, 2013

X++ Job List out Dynamics AX 2012 Security Role, Query and Policy

Dear Friends,

This is a test job I wrote a few weeks ago to list out my custom security policies, roles and queries associated with it into a table. Hope someone finds it useful.

static void DN_LoadSecPolMeta(Args _args)
Treenode secPolicyNode;
Treenode secPolicy;
NoYesId noyesid;
str secPolicyName, secRole, secQuery, strPrimaryTable;
int i;
int nodeCount;
DN_SecPol secpoltst;
secPolicyNode = treenode::findNode(#SecPoliciesPath);
// Count of all the secPolicys.
nodeCount = secPolicyNode.AOTchildNodeCount();
secPolicy = secPolicyNode.AOTfirstChild();
for (i=1; i<=nodeCount; ++i)
secPolicyName = secPolicy.AOTgetProperty("Name");
secRole = secPolicy.AOTgetProperty("RoleName");
secQuery = secPolicy.AOTgetProperty("Query");
if(secPolicyName like 'DN*' && secPolicy.AOTgetProperty("PolicyGroup") == 'Record Security') //Spit out only custom security policies having RLS Security
secpoltst.RoleName = secRole;
secpoltst.PolicyName = secPolicyName;
secpoltst.QueryName = secQuery;
secpoltst.PrimaryTable = secPolicy.AOTgetProperty("PrimaryTable");
secpoltst.Enabled = NoYes::Yes;
secPolicy = secPolicy.AOTnextSibling();
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EOMONTH function in SQL Server 2012

Dear Friends,

A few weeks ago, I was writing some stored procs in SQL Server and I found this EOMONTH function handy.

This is a new function in SQL Server 2012

EOMONTH function takes a date argument/parameter and returns the last day of that month.

Quite handy.

Please refer to this technet article below for detailed syntax and some examples

And if you would like to know how to achieve this in previous versions of SQL, have a look at the below link.

Btw, in AX, we have an equivalent dateEndMth function in Global class for the above purpose.

Happy Querying :)

Top 10 issues discovered from Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 implementations


Dear Friends, Would highly recommend you to bookmark the below useful link:

Below are top 10 practical tips from MSDN blogs (from the field) which talks about some handy tips for your AX 2012 implementations!

Good work!

AIF Tip - Troubleshooting custom Dynamics AX 2012 AIF Services

Greetings Friends!

It's been a while since I have posted. Have been very busy with work. Thought to do a quick post on how important is to Generate CIL in AX 2012 which I tend to forget often as this was not required in the previous versions of AX!


1. Create a new AIF Service
2. Generate and Deploy it
3. Consume .net code
4. Make modifications to the AIF Service
5. Update the AIF Service

.Net code still cant understand the modifications made to AXDClass e.g. updatenow method, hence the old logic is still used the new logic implemented in updateNow method never gets invoked.


Run Generate Icremental/Full CIL from System Administration > Periodic > Compile into .Net Framework CIL