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Thursday, January 31, 2013 - Microsoft Dynamics Consulting Services for your business

Dear Friends,

Hope you all are having a good time. 

I would like to introduce you to our new start up ( formed by bunch of Dynamics ERP Experts.

Are you an organization with global needs? Whether your needs include multi-locations, multi-currency, multi-lingual or scalability, Daxmates asks the right questions and identifies the best solution for your business.
From core financials and best of breed solutions to vertical industry solutions like Manufacturing, Multi-Channel Retail, Public Sector or Professional Services, Microsoft Dynamics AX can help you compete globally in this agile market.
Daxmates is a a group of Microsoft implementation experts serving the ERP community for more than 25 years of Combined Experience. Our experienced professionals not only understand the issues facing your industry and provide fresh insights with tailored services, they also are Certified Microsoft Professionals for Microsoft Dynamics.
Daxmates offers comprehensive professional services for Microsoft Dynamics AX, and Nav. Our Dynamics AX team is in practice with consultants who bring a breadth of experience and deep industry knowledge to integrate and streamline all aspects of your corporate operations.
We can be reached on or please fill the contact form here

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Sharepoint 2010 Tip How to stop sending automatic task notifications email from workflow


Trust you all are doing good.

I thought to share with you today a sharepoint troubleshooting tip which helped me in solving an issue with automatic task notification emails being sent from Sharepoint workflow.

We are using a custom built Sharepoint workflow in our intranet site.
Recently, it came to  my notice that the workflow keeps on sending Task notification emails apart from the normal emails configured in workflow actions. An example of such an email is shown below:


If you are using Sharepoint, you would be knowing that on any list or library we can setup alerts, so my first guess was that there would have been some alert configured on the workflow library.

Couldn't find any user defined alerts configured, so I had to look into other areas.

After some debugging, found out that this was due to default setting on Task List which sends email whenever the ownership is assigned.

So, Go to your site > Tasks > List > Advanced Settings,

and on E-mail notification change "No" to send e-mail when ownership is assigned

Hope this troubleshooting tip will help someone out there.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Side-By-Side Comparison of Budgeting features Dynamics AX 2009 vs Dynamics AX 2012

Dear Friends,

Hope you are having a good start to this Year 2013.

Thought to share with you Budgeting functionality differences between between Dynamics AX 2009 vs 2012. Below are the key areas which I have documented. Feel free to send your comments if you have any additions or modifications to this list. Thanks and Happy Budgeting with Dax 2012 :)

Budget manager/analyst role center 

Dynamics AX 2009
Dynamics AX 2012
Perform common tasks, and view frequently used forms and reports from a single location
Provides access to the commonly used forms, fact boxes, charts, reports, activities, and work items that the budget manager needs to complete daily tasks and make informed decisions
Consolidates key forms and information in a single location

 Financial dimensions for budgeting and budget control

Dynamics AX 2009
Dynamics AX 2012
Select financial dimensions in the chart of accounts for budgeting
Users were allowed a limited number of financial dimensions
Include or exclude specific dimensions, including main accounts, for budgeting
Simplifies budgeting and account number entry
Select dimensions from the account structure in the chart of accounts for budget control
Budget was always available at a main account level with the option of adding dimensions
Specify dimension values to hold budget amounts without any regard to their specific usage in main accounts
Provides flexibility in selecting specific dimensions, including main accounts, for budget control

 Budget Rate Types and Exchange Rates

Dynamics AX 2009
Dynamics AX 2012
Create a budget rate type and associate exchange rates
Define currency pairs and associate exchange rates with the default budget rate type for the ledger
Simplifies creating and maintaining exchange rates specifically for budgets

Budget Models

Dynamics AX 2009
Dynamics AX 2012
Identify a budget by associating it with a budget model
Budget models were used to identify budgets
Budget models can be used to identify budgets
Simplifies categorizing budget transactions, identifying budgets, and assigning budget cycles
Use budget models to structure ledger budgets and develop budget forecasts
Budget models were used for simulations and forecasts
Budget models can be used for simulations and budget forecasts
Run simulations and compare budget forecasts
Build complex budget models using submodels for planning and reporting
Budget models and submodels were used to aggregate budget amounts
Submodels can represent departments or variety of other organization entities
Provides flexibility in budget planning and the ability to produce reports with consolidated balances

Budget Cycles

Dynamics AX 2009
Dynamics AX 2012
Create a budget cycle time span with one or more budget cycles that can be used across legal entities
Map the budget cycle time span to a fiscal year or determine the number of accounting periods that each budget cycle will represent
Provides flexibility in implementing budget control for part of a fiscal year or over one or more fiscal years

 Budget Control Configuration

Dynamics AX 2009
Dynamics AX 2012
Define parameters and dimensions for budget control
Dimensions and default parameters for budget control are defined in one location
Centralizes budget control options
Select the default over-budget permissions for user groups
Users can determine the amounts to add and subtract for the calculation that determines the budgets funds that are available
Simplifies customization of the calculation for the budget funds that are available
Determine the source documents and accounting journals for budget control
Enables budget checking for source documents and account journals at a header level or at line item entry
Controls processing of the specified source documents and accounting journals
Assign budget models to budget cycles and budget cycle time spans
Implement one or more budget models and budget cycles so that, for example, a capital expenditure budget model and an operating budget model could be used for budget control
Provides flexibility in implementing budgets
Define budget control rules
Defines of rules for specific dimensions, over-budget permissions, and parameters
Provides flexibility in defining dimension values and parameters for budget control
Select main accounts for budget control
When main account is not selected as a budget control dimension, users can select specific main accounts for the application of budget control rules
Facilitates implementation of budget control for dimensions and main accounts
Define budget groups
Set up budget checking for pooled dimensions and accounts
Provides flexibility in implementing budget control for dimensions and dimension values
Edit, activate, restore and turn on the budget control configuration
Users can control the active budget control configuration as well as edit a draft version
Simplifies the implementation and administration of budget control

 Budget control on source documents and accounting journals

Dynamics AX 2009
Dynamics AX 2012
Enable budget checks as line items are entered or postpone the budget check until an action, such as an approval, is taken on the source document
Source documents include purchase requisitions, purchase orders, vendor invoices, travel requisitions, and expense reports
Controls or prevents over-budget processing
Enable budget checks as each general journal line is entered or postpone the budget check until the journal is posted
Accounting journals include daily journals, allocation journals, project expense journals, and fixed asset journals
Controls or prevents over-budget processing

 Budget register entries

Dynamics AX 2009
Dynamics AX 2012
Use budget register entries to formulate and manage budgets
Ledger budget tables provided static storage for budget records
Define one or more codes for the following budget transaction types: original budget, transfer, amendment, encumbrance, pre-encumbrance, carry-forward, project, fixed assets, demand forecast, supply forecast, apportionment (Public sector), and preliminary budget (Public sector)
Provides the ability to track, categorize, and audit budget transactions
Use subledger budget transaction types when budget forecasts are transferred to the general ledger
Users were unable to track the transfer of budgets from subledgers to the general ledger
Transfer forecasts for projects, fixed assets, demand forecasts (inventory sales), and supply forecasts (inventory purchasing)
Simplifies the transfers of forecasts to the ledger
For public sector, use preliminary budgets and apportionment budgets
Define codes for apportionment and preliminary budget transactions
Provides public sector organizations with the ability to use preliminary budgets for budget control and apportion part of an approved budget
Create posting definitions for budget transactions
When budget transactions are processed, posting definitions can create ledger entries for multiple accounts
Budget transactions can be automatically posted to the ledger

 Workflow for budget transactions

Dynamics AX 2009
Dynamics AX 2012
Set up budget transaction workflows
Budget transactions associated with the workflow are automatically routed for review
Simplifies routing and reviewing budget transactions

 Budget transfer rules

Dynamics AX 2009
Dynamics AX 2012
Define budget transfer rules
Budget transfer rules determine when budget transfers between dimensions can occur
Facilitates and controls budget transfers

 Budget transfers, allocations, and recurrences

Dynamics AX 2009
Dynamics AX 2012
Transfer budget amounts
With budget control turned on, users can transfer budget amounts while entering other budget transactions or from source documents and accounting journals
Provides flexibility in transferring budget amounts
Allocate budget funds by dimension or period
Users could only allocate funds by period or dimension during budget entry
Spread a budget amount across dimension values or fiscal periods using a single transaction
Simplifies creation of budget allocation transactions
Enter a recurrence pattern for budget transactions
Users could create recurring budget expenses
Create recurring budget transactions
Simplifies creation of recurring budget transactions

 Budget reports and inquiries

Dynamics AX 2009
Dynamics AX 2012
Use reports and inquiries to view budget transactions, budget control statistics, and budget funds
Actual versus budget report
Use parameters to sort and categorize the budget data in these reports and inquires:
Budget funds available report
Actual versus budget report and inquiry
Budget detail report
Budget control statistics inquiry
Provides the ability to view, analyze, track, and audit available budget amounts, actual versus budgeted expenditures, budget transactions, and budget control statistics

 Web services interface for budget transactions

Dynamics AX 2009
Dynamics AX 2012
Create, retrieve, and update budget transactions from third party applications
Generate and import XML for budget transactions
Allows the use of budget transactions created with external budget formulation tools