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Monday, June 18, 2012

Troubleshooting SSRS Report Manager Error Unable to connect to server

Been a while since I did my last post. It has been a hectic last month for me personally and professionally (involving some travel)


Some weeks ago, I was troubleshooting a Report Manager Error on one of our build boxes. The Report Server url works fine and I can get to the reports, but when I try to browse the Report Manager URL, it throws me this error "Unable to connect to server".

In our topology, we have multiple reporting instances configured on the same build box.


I did some googl-ing but couldn't find a solution specific to my issue.

Next step was to delve into the SSRS Reporting log file (C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSRS10.TEST\Reporting Services\LogFiles). After a while I figured out that calls were made to an ip address which was no longer valid.

Then, I had to go to Reporting Services Configuration (Start > Programs > Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 > Configuration Tools > Reporting Services Configuration) and remove the invalid ip address mappings from both Web Service  and Report Manager URL Sections. That fixed the issue!