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Friday, January 30, 2009

Maximum Capacity Specifications for SQL Server 2008

This link will help you in understanding the maximum capacity specifications like -
a. Maximum number of db's on a server
b. Maximum number of tables in a db
c. Maximum number of columns in a table etc etc.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Dynamics AX 2009 Enterprise Portal Update utility

AxUpdatePortal Command Line Utility
This comes with Dynamics AX 2009 SP1 which helps in deploying the additions/modifications made on EP web-sites. It can be done on all the EP web-sites on an IIS Server at one go.

The AxUpdatePortal utility is found in the following location on the IIS server on which Enterprise Portal is installed:

C:\Program Files\Microsoft Dynamics AX\50\Setup

When you run AxUpdatePortal.exe, it deploys the Web-related items from the AOT to every Enterprise Portal site on the IIS server. If you are running Enterprise Portal on multiple servers, you must run AxUpdatePortal.exe on each server.

The AxUpdatePortal.exe is run from a command line. The following examples show the common ways the utility can be run.

AxUpdatePortal -updateWebSites
AxUpdatePortal -verbose > "C:\EPUpdate.log"
AxUpdatePortal -iisreset
AxUpdatePortal -updateWebSites -verbose > "C:\EPUpdate.log"

If AxPortalUpdate.exe is run without parameters, it deploys the following items from the AOT to the IIS server. These items are deployed to each virtual server (port) on the IIS server.

More info, here

Sunday, January 25, 2009

The Ultimate Pinnacle for Techies @ MS - Technical Fellows & Distinguished Engineers

Technical Fellows - The special designation of “Technical Fellow” is an acknowledgement of the key role a technical leader plays in driving intentional innovation, in alignment with Microsoft's business strategies, which in turn impacts the high-tech industry overall. A Technical Fellow's technical vision, expertise and world-class leadership is commensurate with that of a corporate vice president focused on business leadership. These individuals are instrumental in developing and driving technical strategies for Microsoft and the technology industry.

Distinguished Engineers
- The special designation of “Distinguished Engineer” is an acknowledgement of the key role being played by a technical contributor, whose high level of performance, technical vision, expertise and world-class leadership is instrumental in developing and driving products and standards for Microsoft and the technology industry into the future.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Troubleshoot Error Dynamics AX 2009 AOS Service not Starting

Problem: Recently while doing an upgrade from Beta > RTM > SP1, quite a few times I encountered this problem of AOS Service not ready to start.

Error #1: When I start the AOS Service, it gives me the following error, This error doesn't make that much of a sense:

Error #2: Further navigating to Event Viewer, I can see exact error,

Solution - This happens because of the fact that database would be having a older version of the sp's which the new AOS can't execute. In my case, I was upgrading from a pre-RTM version to RTM one, So the database was a pre-RTM one, Usually it's the setup tool's responsibility to upgrade the Database when you run the AOS pointing to the old database. But, sometimes it fails to do that way. In my case, I had to restart the machine after the uninstallation of the pre-rtm bits and then again installed RTM bits and gave it a try and it worked. Same case mighthappen when you upgrade from RTM > SP1.

Friday, January 23, 2009

Sync with Windows Mobile Device on Windows Server 2008

Recently, I was trying to use Microsoft Active Synch 4.5 to Synch my Windows Mobile with my laptop OS i.e. Windows Server 2008.

But, it seems it doesn't work that way.

Solution - Windows Server 2008 supports in built feature that is Windows Mobile Device Center 6.1. In order to make this work, you need to Add an option feature called "Desktop Experience". This you can find in Administrative Tools > Server Manager > Features > Add Feature > Check mark Desktop Experience and there you go.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

AX Error Failed to Establish Connection

Problem: Running the configuration of AX 4.0 Client from a remote machine gives the following error "Unable to establish connection"

Solution: Check the port number used for AOS is added to the Exception list under Windows Firewall