Thursday, February 28, 2013

Configure Dynamics AX 2012 Mobile Connector


Microsoft has published a whitepaper demonstrating how to configure an environment so that users can connect to AX 2012 using mobile application

Some of the pre-requisites required for this to work are:

a. Active Directory Federation Services
b. Azure Services
c. Dynamics Ax Mobile Connector

The setup seems to be an interesting one, When I get some time, I definitely will have a go at it. Keep watching this space for more updates.

Till then,

Happy Daxing :)


  1. Any idea how non-US partners could get a hold of the app? The Marketplace checks on Region and the app happens to be not available in mine :-(.

  2. Hi,

    I have problem in installing this application and connecting with Windows azure,trying hard from last month.

    Many Thanks,
    Prabakaran S P
