Tuesday, April 10, 2012

How to move Sharepoint Databases from one Server to another

Dear Friends,

A while ago, I was involved in upgrading our Sharepoint SQL Server databases and had them move from one server to another. Initially, I was under the impression that moving Sharepoint databases would be as simple as detaching databases from one server and attaching it to the destination server. But it's not easy as said, with sharepoint the databases are tightly coupled with the web applications, so I had to go through a series of steps to complete the move.

Note - In case if you are trying out these steps, I would highly recommend to perform these steps first on your TEST Environment.

In case, you are not able to view the embedded document below, please go to this link https://docs.google.com/document/pub?id=1VtAlH8I0v5yz50Yt7PmvGai_tbcHgRaed0cSC56EROk

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