These days, having a very busy schedule as I'm troubleshooting AIF Web Service calls across domains. I will be soon writing a blog post on that. Finally, we were successful in consuming our AIF Services across domains.
I found this tip from MSDN quite handy when we are tracing a web service call from an external App to AX. Read on...
I'm sorry to post an irrelevant comment here.
ReplyDeleteI have a question about using Linq in X++
Here is my question...
I would like to use "Linq to XML" to create my XML. Could someone assist me how to use this in X ?
When i try to create xml, X++ does not takes Implicit conversion of XName (.NET implicitly takes XName as String) parameter inside XElement class.
Syntax Error :
Here is my simple job which expects the output as tag
server static void linq2xml()
System.Xml.Linq.XElement xRoot;
System.Xml.Linq.XName x1 = null;
x1 = "Contacts"
xRoot = new System.Xml.Linq.XElement(x1);
print xRoot;