Friday, November 26, 2010

Tip How to Trace a Call to an AIF Web Service

These days, having a very busy schedule  as I'm troubleshooting AIF Web Service calls across domains. I will be soon writing a blog post on that. Finally, we were successful in consuming our AIF Services across domains.

I found this tip from MSDN quite handy when we are tracing a web service call from an external App to AX. Read on...

Monday, November 15, 2010

Tip: How to display the AOS Name at the status bar

This is quite ignored but very useful tip if you are working on multi-environments, especially useful in our case, where we have 6 different environments like DEV/TEST/SANDPIT/TRAINING etc to name few.

Our AX Fellow blogger, Klaas has mentioned in his blogpost, Very handy tip, Keep up the good work.

Dynamics AX Handy Tips

Recently, I bumped onto this blog from a fellow Daxian and found some good handy tips for every developer, keep up the good work.

Dynamics AX Client freezes and goes to Non Responding State when saving new Label

Our Development Environment which is multi-developer env having 10-12 concurrent connections and at times when saving new labels we experience Dynamics AX Client goes to "Non Responding" mode

Delete the local cache files of AX, i.e. *.auc from the following location:
C:\Documents and Settings\\Local Settings\Application Data