Tuesday, September 21, 2010

How to install AX Debugger without actually running the setup :-)

For troubleshooting one of our interface, I had to run the AX Debugger from AOS Server. And, on our DEV AOS Server, I didn't have the AX install/setup files.

So, I just tried to give this quick workaround a shot hoping that it works and it actually worked!

Copy the "AxDebug.exe" from my local box "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Dynamics AX\50\Client\Bin"
and just paste it in the path on the AOS box where client is installed and this did the trick!

No need to go through the boring installation, Quick and easy :-)


  1. Thanks a lot, this helped me a great deal!

  2. Thanks a lot for this, it helped a great deal!

  3. Wow this was so quick and easy!! Thanks for the post!!!

  4. Wow this was so quick and easy!! Thanks for the post!!!

  5. svp pourrais-je avoir la procédure dans les détails avec les chemins exact des fichiers. je suis un nouvelle utilisateur de AX. Merci

  6. pouvez vous svp me donner le chemin et plus de détails. je ne retrouve pas le fichier"debugger.exe" sur mon ordinateur client. où copier le fichier et ou le coller. merci
