Sunday, June 20, 2010

A Peek into the Future of Dynamics AX with Brandon and Kees, A must read..

I read with full interest this Q & A Session of Brandon George with Kees Hertogh. Thanks a ton to Brandon for publishing this interview on his blog

This is a great stuff which talks about the following, I have captured the highlights from the talk

  • Innovation and Research around Dynamics AX and Rest of MS Stack like UC, SQL, BI, .Net, Office Apps and how it solves a business problem
  • Extensive Documentation and Content for Dynamics AX on MSDN Developer Network
  • Dynamics AX VNext and Cloud Platform
  • Dynamics AX and Model Driven Development Focussing on SQL Modelling and DSL
  • Context Aware BI where information will come across to you, rather than you chasing the information

Please read the complete extract from Brandon's blog here:

In conclusion, Dynamics AX has a great future and this technology has a lot to offer to this world. Keep watching!

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