Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Dynamics AX 2009 Enterprise Portal Update utility

AxUpdatePortal Command Line Utility
This comes with Dynamics AX 2009 SP1 which helps in deploying the additions/modifications made on EP web-sites. It can be done on all the EP web-sites on an IIS Server at one go.

The AxUpdatePortal utility is found in the following location on the IIS server on which Enterprise Portal is installed:

C:\Program Files\Microsoft Dynamics AX\50\Setup

When you run AxUpdatePortal.exe, it deploys the Web-related items from the AOT to every Enterprise Portal site on the IIS server. If you are running Enterprise Portal on multiple servers, you must run AxUpdatePortal.exe on each server.

The AxUpdatePortal.exe is run from a command line. The following examples show the common ways the utility can be run.

AxUpdatePortal -updateWebSites
AxUpdatePortal -verbose > "C:\EPUpdate.log"
AxUpdatePortal -iisreset
AxUpdatePortal -updateWebSites -verbose > "C:\EPUpdate.log"

If AxPortalUpdate.exe is run without parameters, it deploys the following items from the AOT to the IIS server. These items are deployed to each virtual server (port) on the IIS server.

More info, here

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