Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Troubleshooting AOS and SQL Server

AOS instance cannot connect to new database

If you are trying to connect to a database that was not created by Setup, the AOS account (the domain account or Network Service account associated with an AOS instance) may not have appropriate rights in SQL Server. The AOS account must be a user in the database and be assigned to the following database roles db_ddladmin, db_datareader, and db_datawriter.

AOS instance does not start after changing databases

When an AOS instance and SQL Server database are installed on the same computer, Setup creates a dependency—the AOS instance does not start unless the SQL Server database is running.
If you change the AOS instance to use a SQL Server on a different computer, you must manually change or delete the dependency using the SC tool (SC.exe) from a command prompt.

To make the AOS dependent on the new SQL Server instance

Open a Command Prompt window and type:
sc config AOSinstancename depend= RpcSs/ sqlserverinstancename

To remove the AOS dependency on SQL Server being started

Open a Command Prompt window and type:
sc config AOSinstancename depend= RpcSs

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