Friday, July 31, 2009

WCF and Sharepoint Certified

Updates to Certification List:

a. 70-503 TS: Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 - Windows Communication Foundation (WCF)
b. TS: Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007 Configuration

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Announcing availability of Refresh 2 of the Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009 Demonstration Toolkit

This Refresh2 image contains a range of new software, updates that the field and partners can use to demonstrate and evaluate Microsoft Dynamics AX 2000. Including but not limited to:
o Lean Manufacturing for Microsoft Dynamics AX2009
o Customer Model Visualization Tool
o Microsoft Dynamics CRM basic installation with Outlook Client.
o Microsoft FRX and Forecaster setup and demo reports with Drilldown.
o Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009 Intelligent Data Management Framework (Beta)
o Microsoft Dynamics Sure Step
o Rapid Configuration Tool
o Hotfix Rollup 2.
o System Center Operations Manager Management Pack updated to RTM.
o Microsoft Dynamics Project Time installation
o Environment Dashboard updated to RTM
o Microsoft Dynamics Mobile “demo” for Mobile Sales setup.
o Demo data updated to current periods.
o Demand Planner 2.0 demo data setup.
o GLS Layer files for Consolidated GLS and EERU on the disk
o Performance tweaks and start up with minimal service state to minimize start up time.
o Additional tools to show web services and office integration
o Demo data change tool for Item names, Customer names and Vendor names

For a quick flash through the changes you can have a look at this video:

Download - The Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009 Demonstration Toolkit – Refresh 2 is available from this link

The previous version “Refresh1” is still available on Partnersource on this link

Forthcoming changes in X++

Hi there, This is a good blog from MSDN team regarding the upcoming changes in X++. Worth a read!